March 2022

Celebrating Strong Women

Happy International Women’s Day! If you haven’t seen the news elsewhere - we’re holding a sale through the end of March on our Powerful Women collection, which features all of our badass lady woodmarks! A discount of 15% will be automatically applied to all on sale items!

On another note - we’ve been asked several times if we’ll be selling any of the items from the Page and Parcel box individually and we finally have an official answer for you: YES! With limitations. We do have a few leftover items from the boxes that we will be posting for sale soon, although we didn’t have extras of all the items and numbers of what we do have is quite limited. We also do not yet have a set date for when these items will be available, but it should be within the next month or so, so keep an eye out!

We would also like to say thank you very much to everyone who filled out our customer survey form! We loved getting your input and feedback and got some great info and suggestions that we will be taking into consideration - we’ve actually already put some things in motion that were suggested! To show our deep appreciation, we will be sending out an email to everyone who participated with a small token of our gratitude!

Also, on the community side of things, we have decided that going forward - we will be trying something new with our rep program for In The Reads. We will be putting together an application form that anyone can fill out at any time on our website - which should be available by next week! We will review applications on a monthly to quarterly basis and reach out to anyone who we feel would be a good fit as positions are available.